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adrienne stevens

“thank you so much I love it! it just hit me, I don’t have to say anything or explain. I can just look cute in my new hoodie. I won’t be asked the stupid question, “What are you?”. we can start talking about why they are asking and why that matters to them. I think I’m understanding the assignment. I seriously wanna thank you and your parents.   unfortunately I did not grow up with very educated, or supportive parents when it came to raising  a biracial child. my mother tried her best to pass me as white, and well my father and his family were not very excepting of me, in my opinion. again thank you!”


“as a mother of a biracial child I’m glad I found your brand”


love it. my kids are half Native/Hispanic and half black. one looks white. one looks native and two look black.


“love it and i need that. i totally agree as biracial people we are constantly told what we are and what we’re not”


“as a parent of biracial children, i thought my kids to embrace both sides of their ethnicity but also know that the world will see you a certain way to.”


“i continue to have conversations regarding being biracial with people that are filled with misconceptions”


“i'm mixed race and i've had this my whole life constant telling me what they think i am“


“i feel as though i have a lot of people in and around me in my life that would step up to me for putting my kids in this. i want to though.”


“amen! as a biracial woman i'm always questioned about what my race is. no one believes I'm black”


“interesting. I'm "biracial" (black father, white mother). white people say I'm not white and black people say I'm not black. I just say I'm unique.”